Structures & Mechanisms with Rolls Royce

STEM in Action with the Experts!

Our Year 2 and Year 6 students took part in a Structures & Mechanisms course, run in conjunction with Rolls-Royce. Our staff received CPD training and class kits plus links to a Rolls-Royce engineer for support.

The aim of the course is to support the development of Design & Technology STEM education in classrooms via delivery of whole-class, design technology engineering themed projects, partnered with an engineer from Rolls-Royce to work with us and our pupils. It helped students develop both practical and cognitive skills as they used and applied mathematics and science through a design and technology project.

Normanton House Meets Rolls Royce

On completion of the project, some of our students were invited to attend the Primary Engineer celebration event in partnership with Rolls-Royce plc where we were joined by the engineers from Rolls-Royce plc who have been supporting us this                    year. The judges raced our models, spoke to our budding engineers about their designs and we were able to compete with other schools in our area, who have also taken part in the project.

I am delighted to announce that all our students were either winners or runners up in their categories mashAllah, tabarkAllah!


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