Our Secondary School Curriculum
Curriculum Overview
At Normanton House School, our curriculum in each subject is planned and designed to ensure pupils leave with excellent outcomes, both in their examinations and in their personal development. We ask every child to strive for personal excellence as well as leave with the right personal qualities and qualifications for the next stage in their lives.
We endeavour to cultivate a safe and encouraging learning environment where students feel at ease in taking risks and value the opportunity to learn from their mistakes. We place great emphasis on instilling a growth mindset in our learners where mistakes are expected and respected as we drive to deepen their understanding.
Regular tests and termly exams enable learners at Normanton House School to continuously build on their prior learning while providing dedicated retention time in each scheme of learning. Furthermore, student learning is supported throughout their five-year journey and they develop an invaluable revision skillset to maximise their potential.
Our passion aims to encourage pupils’ inquisitiveness and thirst for knowledge in order to ensure that the love for learning stays with them throughout their journey in education and in later life. Altogether, we aim to prepare our pupils for an aspirational post-16 career path, whatever their ambitions may be and produce pupils who become outstanding citizens and positively contribute to social and economic prosperity and have a strong sense of spiritual awareness and personal accountability.
Our Key Stage 4 curriculum has a strong focus on the core EBacc academic subjects of English, Mathematics and Science as well as a Modern Foreign Language and Humanities and we are proud of the fact that all our students follow an English Baccalaureate curriculum to GCSE and we place equal value on the contribution that vocational and technical learning makes to every child’s development.

Islam Subjects
The Islam subjects syllabus is a course which has been taught and delivered with great success. The course attracts many pupils and is perfect for those who want to study Islamic Sciences to an advanced level in the English medium.
Quranic Studies
The teaching of this subject is divided into Reading, Memorisation, Rules, Translation and Tafseer (Explanation). Students learn how to recite the Holy Quran fluently and beautifully. The rules of Tajweed cover topics such as; correct pronunciation of the Arabic letters, Sifaat (attributes of letters), Madd (elongation), Waqf (rules of stopping) and styles of recitation. The students learn how to develop their voice control, confidence and style of recitation.
This subject also helps students develop their memorisation skills whilst memorising certain chapters of the Holy Quran. Overall, a minimum of 3 chapters (parts out of a total of 30) over the period of the course is an expectation from candidates. This is supported by after school Memorisation classes.
This subject also covers translation of the Quranic text along with basic interpretation at intermediate levels. On higher levels, students are expected to study the interpretation of various scholars and appreciate the depth of interpretations.
Cross-curricular links for this subject :
Performing arts
Arabic Language – Reading skills
Memorisation Skills
Speech development
Spiritual & Moral Development (SMSC)
Hadith Studies
In this subject students study the Hadith (Prophetic Narrations) from a beginner’s level to an advance cross-curricular level. The subject helps students towards achieving objectives such as; Hadith reading, translation, comprehension and legal and moral extractions.
This subject also helps students develop their memorisation skills whilst memorising a selection of Prophetic Narrations which focus on developing the manners, attitudes and social along with personal development.
On an intermediate level students will begin to understand the legal aspects of Islamic law which are derived from narrations. In addition, students will be expected to develop themselves as role model citizens in light of the merciful and benevolent teachings of Islam. Rights of neighbours, relatives, non-relatives, members of other beliefs and religions and humanity as a whole will be recurrent themes throughout.
On an advance level, students will be expected to be able to extract points of Islamic law and ethics themselves based on traditional methodology and study. The Usool Al-Hadith (principals of Prophetic narrations) will enrich students to understand the various nature and status of narrations in order to comprehend and appreciate differences amongst the Islamic Jurists.
The spiritual and moral development of every candidate is at the core of this subject as the objective is to find inner peace and outer peace through the study of narrations.
Cross-curricular links for this subject –
Arabic Language and literature
Citizenship – Rights of everyone
Spiritual & Moral Development (SMSC)
Self-development/Citizenship – health & hygiene
Memorisation Skills
Speech development
Reading & speaking skills
Essay planning & writing skills
Fiqh (Islamic rulings)
Fiqh Studies
In this subject, students study Fiqh (understanding of Islamic rulings) from a beginner’s level to an advance cross-curricular level. The subject covers an expansive range of topics but mainly focuses on rulings related to; ritual bathing and purification, transactions, prayer, pilgrimage, fasting, marriage, divorce and rights of people.
This subject also helps students develop their logical reasoning along with helping to understand the background of Islamic rulings.
On an intermediate level students will begin to understand the legal aspects of Islamic law which are derived from texts. In addition, students will be expected to develop themselves as role model citizens in light of the merciful and benevolent teachings of Islam. Rights of neighbours, relatives, non-relatives, members of other beliefs and religions and humanity as a whole will be a recurrent theme throughout.
On an advance level, students will be expected to be able to extract points of Islamic law and ethics themselves based on traditional methodology and study. The Usool Al-Fiqh (principals of understanding) will enrich students to understand the various nature and status of evidences in order to comprehend respect and appreciate differences amongst the Islamic Jurists.
Cross-curricular links for this subject –
Arabic Language and literature
Citizenship – Rights of everyone
Citizenship – Respect for the law and upholding the law
Spiritual & Moral Development (SMSC)
Self-development/Citizenship – health & hygiene
Reading & speaking skills
Logical reasoning and understanding
Essay planning & writing skills
Quranic Tafseer (Interpretation), Hadith & Usool
Our English curriculum aims to ensure that pupils develop a habit and love of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information. Our teachers strive to foster an enthusiasm for reading through book recommendations, year-specific book lists with associated awards, the use of both the school and local public libraries and having an awareness of literary events that are celebrated in the United Kingdom.
Pupils will acquire a wide and rich vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and a sound knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language. Students should, through a combination of personal reading and studying a range of fiction and non-fiction texts in lessons, appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage. All students should be able to write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. Pupils will be able to use discussion in order to learn and be able to elaborate and explain their understanding and ideas clearly. We aim to make our students competent in the art of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate. We aim for our students to understand and acquire a control over language, both written and spoken, so that they can discover the potential power it can have and can give. The curriculum encompasses aspects of the RE, SMSC, PSHE as well as the Islam subjects curriculums and encourages a strong sense of personal development.
Students should be able to:
- Summarise texts in a precise way, making points that are clear and concisely expressed, using their own words selectively throughout to give precise meaning
- Critically evaluate what is read, showing detailed and perceptive understanding of the text
- Understand and respond with insight to information
- Critically analyse and justify how a writer has used structure to make the text effective
- Critically analyse specific words, phrases and grammatical choices made by the writer, explaining the effects of these in detail
- Show understanding and opinions by selecting multiple illuminating references that are precisely embedded
- Make convincing, insightful and fully developed links and comparisons between texts
Key Stage 3 (Years 7-8)
Building on their knowledge from KS2, students will deepen their understanding of authorial intent, the writer’s craft and technical accuracy as they study the Key stage 3 curriculum in order to appreciate purposeful writing. Our pupils will delve into a range of texts which serve as an introduction or a development to the forms they have encountered during Key Stage 2. The purpose is to develop any initial skills and enhance their understanding of a text as a holistic piece. Students will study a breadth of authors and topics to nurture a critical mind and hone their literacy skills.
Key Stage 4 (Years 9-11)
As our students come into Key Stage 4, they will continue to study many well-loved classics, as well as emerging literature, to support them in their journey of critical thinking. Amongst these, our students will study the following texts: Shakespeare’s Macbeth, To Kill A Mocking Bird, Silas Marner, A Woman in Black and an Anthology of Time and Place. The messages of these texts transcend time and therefore provide our students with relevant and moral messages. A myriad of fiction and non-fiction texts will be studied to solidify the knowledge and skills which we foster in Key Stage 3; authorial context, the writer’s craft and technical accuracy.
The ambition of Normanton House School is to stimulate the young minds in our care into becoming logical thinkers, able problem solvers and lifelong mathematicians as a product of enquiring and reflective learning. Our team of enthusiastic and dedicated staff strive to promote interest, curiosity and enjoyment in the learning of this refined subject by providing a supportive yet challenging environment, where pupils believe they can achieve.
Normanton House School continues to develop the love of mathematics through our involvement with the UKMT maths challenge which offers our mathematicians the opportunity to demonstrate their problem-solving skills in less routine situations. Learning is further supported through additional SATs booster classes in the primary school and a weekly maths club in the secondary school in addition to all students having access to Maths Watch; these provide a platform for weaker students to gain additional support and for stronger students to push themselves even further.
Our focus is to develop the confidence of our pupils and dispel any negative perceptions associated with the complexities that mathematics can bring. The curriculum follows a series of carefully sequenced steps that, in conjunction with the national curriculum, develops fluency whilst enabling students to solve problems in a variety of contexts. Through the diverse set of contexts, we aim to develop responsible citizens, with real-life skills and an awareness of the world around them. The curriculum encompasses aspects of the Science, Geography as well as the Islam subjects curriculums.
Students should:
- Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
- Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
- Be able to solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication
Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9)
Students build on their knowledge of the number system and arithmetic skills from KS2, exploring different representations of key concepts, not only to develop a secure foundation of mathematical knowledge, but also to create lifelong learners through sustained success. All year 7 students are part of the schools verbal and non-verbal reasoning scheme which continues to build on their problem solving and lateral thinking skills.
Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11)
Students continue to develop a passion for mathematics to not only achieve the GCSE qualification, but to continue throughout the school life and beyond. They build on the mathematics that they have learnt previously in order to master key skills and make rapid progress. The curriculum intends to be inclusive and meet the needs of all students so that all learners are able to access the curriculum and achieve, but also that the most able students are encouraged and challenged. We aim to equip our students with skills to make them self-sufficient in managing their finances beyond secondary school and to cultivate an enthusiasm for Maths and develop application skills through relevant trips and extra-curricular activities.
At Normanton House School, we aim to develop the scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding of pupils through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Students develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of scientific enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them. Pupils are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science today and for the future.
Students follow the Edexcel syllabus, leading to either Combined Science (a double award GCSE) or separate GCSEs in each Biology, Chemistry and Physics depending on individual ability and aspiration. Science is a vital subject for future career choices and progress on to A level sciences, any science-related degree at university or any further study is not restricted by whether a student takes combined science or the separate science GCSEs; the aim is to get the best possible outcomes for each individual student.
We aim to teach the topics in a stimulating way which will promote the interest of students in science and encourage them to relate the topics to their every day experiences. They will be able to appreciate the advances in Science and the impact they have on their own lives as well as the wider world.
Teaching the curriculum in individual lessons of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, throughout Key Stages 3 and 4, has proven to be very beneficial as it enables each science specialism to be taught in greater depth and detail. It also allows the areas of strength and weakness of each student to be identified in each science specialism and so allows for more focused intervention to take place at the earliest opportunity. The curriculum encompasses aspects of the Geography, Maths as well as the Islam subjects curriculums.
Key Stage 3 (Years 7-8)
Key Stage 3 science encompasses a wide range of Biology, Chemistry and Physics topics. We follow the Edexcel science syllabus closely to enable our students to follow a spiral curriculum up to GCSE. It is taught over two years in years 7 and 8. The purpose of this structure is to ensure that students grasp the fundamental principles that underpin each of the science disciplines by the end of year 8 and so are prepared for the transition from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 at the beginning of year 9.
Students are given the opportunity to build on basic concepts studied at Key Stage 2 and to practise and demonstrate their skills scientifically. Students have 5 lessons a week and are assessed at the end of each topic to allow strengths and weaknesses to be detected and relevant interventions put in place.
Key Stage 4 (Years 9-11)
Students work towards the GCSE qualification and build on the foundations for understanding the natural world and to appreciate its importance in our daily lives as well as the future prosperity of the world. We aim to teach this course in ways which inspires, motivates and challenges students and enables them to develop curiosity about the natural world.
We aim to enable our students to use a range of mathematical skills to perform scientific calculations and analyse qualitative and quantitative data to draw logical, well-evidenced conclusions.
Learning is supported by regular assessments, mock assessments, booster sessions in the holidays as well as curriculum related school trips.
The Normanton House School curriculum aims to ensure that pupils appreciate and understand the world in which they live by developing contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places, including defining physical and human characteristics and how these provide a geographical context for understanding the effects of processes. Pupils should understand the processes that give rise to key physical and human geographical features of the world and how these are interdependent. Our students need to be competent in the geographical skills needed to collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data, interpret a range of sources of geographical information including maps, diagrams and globes as well as communicate geographical information in a variety of ways, including through maps, numerical and quantitative skills and writing.
Our pupils consider how Earth’s major processes have resulted in some of the most awe-inspiring landforms and features. The curriculum is modern and reflects the global issues of today. Importantly, pupils are challenged to consider and evaluate various strategies to manage and protect our planet in an effective and sustainable way. Geography is a multifaceted discipline and we endeavour to provide pupils the opportunity to become well-rounded and skilled Geographers through a curriculum that has human and physical geography at its core. Geography enables young people to become globally and environmentally informed and thoughtful, enquiring citizens. The curriculum encompasses aspects of the Science, Maths as well as the Islam subjects curriculums.
Key Stage 3 (Years 8-9)
Geography at Key Stage 3 is about facilitating students’ curiosity about their local and global community. Students will have the opportunity to become proficient in map reading to explore key social, economic and environmental issues in today’s society whilst evaluating how to manage these in a sustainable way.
Students develop a wide range on literacy, numeracy and map skills which will be applicable throughout their education and also in wider life. We aim to encourage conscientiousness so that pupils aware of how humans can impact upon natural physical processes and our wider environment.
Key Stage 4 (Years10-11)
GCSE geography gives students the opportunity to gain knowledge about the UK and the issues currently facing the country as well as issues that may be increasingly problematic in the future. It empowers students to have a rounded view of a variety of current issues to enable them to understand what is going on in the globalising world around them.
This course will deepen understanding of geographical processes, illuminate the impact of change and of complex people-environment interaction, highlight the dynamic links and interrelationships between places and environments at different scales and develop students’ competence in using a range of geographical investigative skills and approaches.
Modern Foreign Language: Arabic
The curriculum at Normanton House School endeavours to teach pupils this language through reading, writing, listening and speaking. Arabic is the language of the Holy Quran which makes it of great significance to Muslims all over the world. Learning Arabic enables students to develop an understanding of the Holy Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet (SAW). It also offers pupils an insight into the cultures and civilisation of the Arab world.
The four skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and writing are developed through a range of tasks and activities and pupils are assessed in all four areas during their learning careers. The aim of the curriculum is to ensure the pupils understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of sources and discover and develop an appreciation of a range of writing in the Arabic language. They learn to speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say through discussion, questioning and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation. Students are taught to write at varying length, for different purposes and audiences using the variety of grammatical structures they have learnt
We aim to enhance the skills of native speakers to allow them to gain outstanding results while placing a huge emphasis on teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, allowing them to develop the ability to use the language effectively for practical communication as well as using it imaginatively and creatively. Pupils who are coming from an Arab background or have studied the language in the primary school have the option of achieving their GCSE as early as in Year 9.
Information Communication Technology (ICT)
At Normanton House School, the aim of the ICT curriculum is to develop pupils’ learning and result in the acquisition of knowledge of the digital world around them, enabling them to live safely in an increasingly digital British society. The KS3 curriculum will ensure that learners have sufficient knowledge to stay safe online and use computers safely. The knowledge, skills and understanding of pupils is developed through key computational concepts so that they can become confident problem solvers and understand how to better use computers as a tool to solve a number of problems.
The study of ICT provides students with the analytical, communication and technical skills that they will need to compete as an active participant in this exciting and dynamic world. The curriculum encompasses aspects of the Science and Maths curriculums.
Physical Education (PE)
PE helps children to develop social skills including teamwork, integration and leadership skills. The school provides children of varying circumstances and abilities with the opportunity to enjoy physical activity. Physical activity has been shown to have a wide range of benefits for all young people during their school years including improved concentration, commitment and raised self- esteem. It is also strongly linked to pupil behaviour, school attendance and attainment.
These benefits are particularly significant if a child’s experience of physical activity is high quality and fun, motivating pupils to adopt an active lifestyle and to continue to participate in sport outside of school and into adulthood. Undisputed long- term health benefits, including a reduction in obesity and improved general fitness leading to a reduction in the risk of some health problems including coronary heart disease and diabetes.
At Normanton House School, PE remains compulsory through both Key Stages 3 and 4 of the national curriculum because of the many benefits for pupils. The curriculum encompasses aspects of the Science, PSHE as well as the Islam subjects curriculums.
Art, Textiles and Food Technology
Art is a creative subject which allows pupils to experiment with a number of different techniques and skills in order to develop a deeper understanding of the world that we live in. In doing so, they develop an ability to think critically, analyse and work independently, developing a skill set that would be advantageous in any career.
The curriculum introduces a range of techniques and how to control and manipulate media through drawing, painting, sketching and 3D work. Students develop and apply art skills such as drawing, painting and artistic techniques to communicate an idea and analyse the effectiveness of their own work. During the course they will have the opportunity to take part in cross curricular projects and initiatives including designing school displays.
Students learn to be creative and develop their ability to problem solve, think academically, emotionally, physically and spiritually. They will learn to adopt resilience and focus on applying their technical skills to projects that develop self- expression. Displaying creative expression leads to improved well-being and has strong links with the Religious Education, PSHE, English and Islam subjects.