Our Faith Mission
Developing responsible, kind and thoughtful Muslim citizens
Normanton House School is a welcoming and safe learning environment. Pupils are encouraged to develop a love for Allah (SWT) and explore their Islamic character whilst pursuing a high-quality primary education. Our students are proud Muslim citizens and ambassadors for the culture, faith and values of Islam.
Strong religious belief is the foundation of the emotional, social and spiritual education of our pupils. Daily prayer and Islamic Studies are an integral part of the timetable and reinforce the ethos of the school.
Religious study and reflection allows pupils to develop their own sense of identity and belonging in the community.
Our school culture encourages the Islamic values of tolerance, care, empathy and understanding.
Pupils are educated in the importance of having respect for and valuing the contribution of others, and acceptance of all faiths.
They learn to show concern for those less fortunate than themselves and to seek out opportunities to put their faith into action. Involvement in fundraising for good causes and charitable work is actively encouraged.
Under the guidance of Islam, pupils are able to explore their own humility and discipline, which promotes integration and social harmony within the wider community. Values of tolerance and mutual respect, democracy, rule of law and liberty, are actively promoted throughout the curriculum.
Parents can be confident their children will grow and develop into well-rounded, confident young Muslims, fully prepared for the next stage of their academic journey.