Our Ethos
At Normanton House school, we aim to provide an inspiring educational experience within a caring and secure Islamic environment embedded with the values of discipline and mutual respect which extend beyond the school into the wider community. Pupils are encouraged to develop a strong Islamic character and achieve their spiritual, moral, social and educational potential.
A deep appreciation of our faith is at the heart of everything we do at Normanton house school. We aim to combine traditional values with vibrant learning so that our children are nurtured to become confident, kind and well-rounded members of the community who provide a positive contribution to society. We aim to nurture, within our pupils, a deep love for Allah, His beloved Prophet (pbuh) and His righteous people as well as respect for parents and elders.

Pupils and staff are expected to work hard, to take pride in their work whilst constantly directed by their inner moral compass. Values of patience, modesty, gratitude and humility are continuously encouraged. Our school provides a warm and welcoming environment where everyone feels part of our inclusive family. Our missions and values are founded on the Quran and the sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) and safeguarding the future generation is at the core of our endeavours. In a modern and multicultural world, it is essential that pupils understand and respect those of different faiths and cultures. We have taken lessons of respect and tolerance from our faith and embedded them in our curriculum, form time discussions as well as assemblies.
Our Vision
Honouring the core Islamic values of honesty, integrity, compassion and mutual respect of our faith and embedding them in the day to day running of our school
Serving the wider community and humanity as a whole is vital to our vision and a fundamental part of Islam and we endeavour to develop pupils who become outstanding citizens and positively contribute to social prosperity and have a strong sense of spiritual awareness and personal accountability