Admission Process

Admissions Procedure

Our main intake is in September as most of our pupils join us from Year 1 or Year 7 and remain with us until they leave for High school in Year 6 or Sixth Form/College in Year11. However, new pupils can join the school at any time throughout the academic year, if places are available.

Registering your child

At Normanton House School, we encourage all potential parents to visit the school as this will assist with the decision making process.

Application forms are available online and can also be obtained by contacting the school office. Completed forms should be returned to school, along with a registration fee of £50 + VAT. Please note that the registration fee is non-refundable and is payable by cash or cheque.

On receipt of the completed forms and registration fees , primary pupils will be invited to spend a day in the primary school and secondary pupils will be invited to complete the entry assessment. All potential pupils will have the opportunity to sample school life and meet potential class mates. If your child is successful, a formal offer of a place will be made by the Head Teacher.

Normanton House School Fees Policy


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